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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Build Or Not To Build

As a general rule, I try to stay away from offering commentary on mainstream, current events topics. However, a person for whom I have immense respect wanted to discuss this particular matter with me today and therefore I am thinking it through, in part, here.

It seems as though a Muslim group plans on building a community center, including a Mosque, about two blocks away from the World Trade Center site in NYC. Earlier today, my friend simply asked me how I feel about that. My answer..... I'm OK with it.
Many in society (entitled to their opinions) place the blame for the 9/11 attacks at the foot of the Muslim/Islamic religion. Those who think along these lines also seem to feel that based on the nationality of the parties responsible for the attacks, and perhaps their "religious" beliefs as well, they should find another place for this building.
My opinion is that in any walk of life, any occupation, any religion, there are selfish people who choose to go to vast extremes to make a point or leverage a threat. I believe that God, my God anyway, is a wonderfully simple being. I believe He welcomes all, no questions asked, especially the freaks among us! I don't believe he cares where these people put their building.
I'm somewhat hesitant to make this next statement, but here goes anyway.
Police Officers, Firefighters and E.M.S. personnel, at least all the ones I know, would rush just as quickly into a Mosque as they would any other building if it meant saving lives. I think we should be careful when invoking the names or the memory of any such fallen hero when speaking out against a project like this one.
For a few other thoughts on related subject matters, click here or here.


Jack said...

I think this idea is insensitive, and probably misguided, but ok, let's do it.

However, I think it only fair to require a similar concession from the Islamic community. Will they let us build a Christian Community Center in Mecca?

Shamus said...


never mind.

Shamus said...

I suppose you are right on some level.
However we are the nation that "guarantees" freedom of religion, speech....yadda.(my apologies for the poor paraphrase) Whereas there are no such written policies in Mecca.
That is of course if you are of the opinion that the constitution and other founding documents are still adhered to at all. But that’s a different topic entirely.

Kris said...

I'm not going to lie- part of me cringed a bit when I read that there might be a mosque that close to the WTC. But the truth is, you can't condemn an entire religious or ethnic group because of what a few crazy lunatics did.

I agree with you babe, I'm OK with it too.

Jack said...

Thanks Shamus! I always enjoy really getting into a thought process and exploring where it leads me. This was quite controversal, and I'm sure no two people will feel exactly the same way. To put it as susccintly as I can, Americans just don't seem to get it. When you listen to mr. two-face, he'll tell you all about what the Quran says, but never mention the other cornerstone text of the Islamic religion the Hadith. Check out Wikapedia's Blasphemy and Islam article sometime, and get a cold chill down the spine...like I did.

Shamus said...

Hey Jack,
We both know that this issue is far too complex to dig into in the comment section of some blog….but what the heck.
I would like to say that the larger issues(in my opinion) go far beyond any person, or any group's religion. The historical fact is that our nation has been in bed with the likes of United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iran and many other of the top oil producers in the world for decades now. In my opinion, until we as a nation decide we are willing/able to live free of the dependence of their oil exports, we are doomed to repeat 9/11 over and over again.
They can have their religion. No matter how violent one may think these people to be, or not to be...if we were not hopelessly intertwined with them on so many levels, there would be no glory, no point, no 72 virgins, no reason for them to give us a second look.
We are only the infidels at present because our industry and military crawl all over the place they call home.

jim said...

As a christian pursuing criminal justice, i can say that yes, i would rush into a mosque to save people regardless of the religion of the building... though i don't personally agree with their religion, it shouldn't get in the way of my job. and since God is the one telling me to do my job, and God is the one telling me to love everyone, including those who hate you, and since we have freedoms and rights in the constitution... i can say that although i wouldn't feel comfortable working across the street from a mosque, i wouldn't storm the place or burn it down.

Shamus said...

Hey Jim,
Would you mind telling me why you "wouldn't feel comfortable working across the street from a mosque"?


Patricia V. Davis said...

This was a courageous post that warmed my heart in every way. I am proud to know you and after reading it , I think my cousin is a lucky, lucky woman.

barbara smith said...

I am against it!!! It is their trophy, right in our face!!!