*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Top Ten Moments, Christmas 2008

Something funny occurred to me while I was putting this post together. None of my favorite scenes from this Christmas can be found in the video below. Yes, we all had fun watching Aiden go through the motions with the gifts and the trash. The cake was great and we laughed throughout all of it. Here are a few other standout moments that come to mind.
1. An unforgettable Christmas eve church service with my wife at my side.
2. A late night game of Trivial Pursuit
3. An hour or so hanging out with a great friend.
4. Hungarian Goulash for dinner.
5. Watching Parenthood, now as a parent is a very different experience. What great movie. Ron Howard is a genius.
It's just as well I don't have any pictures of these things for you. No photo, even with perfect lighting or the world's most expensive lens could convey how much they meant to me. Besides, Goulash never photographs well.

Christmas 2008 from shamus smith on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

there is something about christmas when little kids are a part of it. a baby changes everything. seeing christmas thro the eyes of a child is totally awesome. not to take away what the reason for the season is.

joe said...

FYI, That very same Ron Howard directed Jim Carey's grinch.

Shamus said...

Thanks for keeping me honest PJ.
That movie would have been fine, had the cartoon of years ago not been ingrained in me from childhood. As for Carrey himself, I will never think he is funny, regardless of context.

Anonymous said...

We enjoy revisiting this video as well as lots of others. It was fun making new Christmas memories with you this year. We love you lots. How great it is that having Kris at your side for an unforgettable Christmas Eve service is your first standout moment!! TGBTG