*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jesus Plays Basketball?

Well he did today.
Not the sport(and I use the term loosely) I would have picked for him, however he makes it work.
He made it work today via 350 middle schoolers from LCBC.
He made it work via an uncountable amount of volunteers.
He made it work today via 33 basketball hoops from all over Lancaster.
It was quite a scene.
What an amazing way to spend a Saturday before Christmas in December. Would you rather be at the mall?....with the traffic?....and the parking?....and the shopping?....and the UUGGHH!!
Christmas was at it's finest at a gym with 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders showing us all a thing or two about giving. About Life. All of this was the culmination of our Hoops of Hope Project. In truth however, this is only the halfway point. In short order, the monies gathered as a result of today's activities will make it's way to Tseikuru in the form of clean drinking and farming water.
I've got to stop a minute and put a small spotlight on my wife, Kris.
Not because she was at the helm of this project from minute one.
Not because of the number of times I overheard some say "check with Kris" Or "let's run this by Kris first"
She is an amazing person, with talents beyond description. Thanks Kris, for bringing Christmas a little early to me, 350 kids, and countless people in Tseikuru, Africa. Wanna see what some of our day looked like? Settle in for 5 minutes.

Hoops Of Hope from shamus smith on Vimeo.


Jason Mitchell said...

Awesome. Those time lapsed scenes were great. Especially the clean up.

Man, you guys were machines. Thanks for all your help my friend. Great serving with you!


Tom said...

Sha-It is such an inspiration to see what you guys are doing at your church. I am sure the money you raised will bless Tseikuru for years to come. Kris is awesome! Tell her I am proud of her! And I have to say...you have become quite the videographer. The quality is great but I am also blown away by how fast you put this together. Excellent work.

Shamus said...

Thanks Tom,
High praise indeed, coming from you.

Anonymous said...

May I join the proud husband and give three cheers for Kris... Hoop, Hoop, Hooray! Nice title for this post, Shamus! Way to go, LCBC!
TGBTG (to God be the glory)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kris for your Leadership, Vision and Love

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including the 190 photos in your photo gallery. I enjoyed looking through them and now have an even greater sense of the labor of love that this was. Love for the kids who participated was so evident. Love for the Lord. Love for strangers. Character knew what he was talking about when he used the word Love.