The wisest people I know are those who possess the ability to change. Change, to function in the midst of dynamic surroundings. Change to better themselves. Change for the betterment of others. True change requires an adjusted way of thinking. Merely adapting new behaviors or habits is not always an indication that real change or progress is being made. Perhaps the ideal form of change is when a person makes necessary adjustments, while not forgetting where they come from. In so doing, the benefit of life experience and wisdom is brought to bear in new circumstances. It is this sort of ability that Kris has. Its really no surprise that Kris was met with success as a police officer. It also has been no surprise that she has risen to the challenges of being a "stay at home" mom.
I'd like my boys to know that their mother made poignant choices, and followed through with changes to make our present day life a reality. I'd also like them to know she brings with her all the wisdom, from what seems like a different life, into her decisions at home everyday.
Evan, on any given Saturday morning, your mom may place you across her chest in a sling as we wander through the market. A few years ago it was a bullet resistant vest across her chest. Take this to mean she understands where danger waits, and she can protect you. Aiden, when your mother provides you with advice, please understand she has given guidance to others during the darkest hours in their lives. She has wisdom to impart to you. Boys, understand that when your mom runs in the park with you, she has also run into pure danger to save lives. You cannot outrun her obsession to care for you.
Read between the lines, boys.
Read between the lines, boys.
In our attic is a box with among other things, Kris' memo books. These are a legal record of her time in service as a police officer. Every observation, every assignment and post, every arrest she effected is documented.
The images below are pages from September 11th, 2001. Unless you have experience in the military, police, or other first responder capacity, these pages don't reveal anything remarkable.
However, if you read between the lines, you will see an officer desperate and determined to reach a smoldering pile of rubble that was to burn for weeks. You will see an endless amount of effort to ensure friends and strangers alike were provided the dignity of a decent funeral. If you read between the lines you see keen powers of observation, strength and determination. They reveal everything you might not guess about Kris. Perhaps, that was why she was so sucessfull in her roles as a cop..... bad guys never saw her coming.
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This post sounds like ESTEEM to me!
Definitions of esteem (vt)
es·teem [ i stm ] 1.value somebody or something highly: to have a high regard for somebody or something
2.regard something in particular way: to consider something or somebody as having a particular quality
3.high regard: a high opinion and appreciation of somebody or something
Synonyms: regard, reverence, honor, approval, respect, admiration, high regard, good opinion, appreciation
Thank you, Kris, for being you!!
I have been trying to think of what to say. "Thank you" doesn't really seem to cover it but then again, I don't think any words will "cover it". You are the strength I lean on to get me through it all-- from some very bad days with the NYPD to these days, when both boys are screaming their heads off in my arms... I'd probably be an alcoholic if I didn't have you to keep me sane. I love you.
i hold u in the highest regard not sure if at correct. krissy who are a person who goes for the gold in everyting you do.. you were unbelievable poloce officer.. you are a loving caring MOM..aiden and evan dont know how lucky they are that you ae thier MOM... you make me so proud to call u my daughter.. i cant even begin to think what u r feeling today and how u felt when u were right in the thick of all that horror.. krissy but you did what u had to do...there is one thing for sure i am so glad that you are in pa being the best mom and wife you could be.. we love u beyond wordds can say.. thank you krissy for what you did those 10yrs ago
Kris, you were our hero back then and you still are. Sha, what a beautiful tribute to your wife...excellent post! It's amazing how the darkest valleys and hardships we endure prepare us for the awesome calling that parenthood is. Very well said! Love you guys!
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