*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Without Presents

Sounds bleak, right?

This year, there will be no exchange of presents in the Smith home. However, make no mistake about it, there are gifts everywhere.

1. Luci is home for a few days. We've spent time pouring through photo albums. Right now, we are all watching White Christmas.
2. Last night found Dez joining us at LCBC, then we all went back to our place for chinese food. We closed out the night over a few empty glasses and many laughs.
3. Tomorrow morning Kris will make a breakfast feast for us.
4. Christmas dinner will take place at my parents' house. I'll get to enjoy the sounds of Aiden running at full speed from one room to the next. Much like I did in Cap and Gramps' house for years on end. Having Gramps, Mom and Dad live nearby has really added an element of magic to Christmas for me.
5. On Sunday, Luci, Lori and I will close out the weekend at Mc Cleary's. A meal shared between the three of us has become something I look forward to with much anticipation.
6. Looking ahead to next weekend, Kris and I will host what we hope will become a new tradition for our family: Movie night. Our families will gather at our place for dinner and a movie, complete with an ice cream intermission.

So you see, Christmas this year is proving to be one we will long remember.
No presents, but plenty of gifts.


Kris said...

This year, because I wasn't focused on who wants what or how much money we can spend, I found myself really enjoying Christmas for what it should be. There was no stress, no aggravation and no time constraints. Just a relaxing few weeks of spending time with my family doing the things I really loved doing around Christmas time when I was little. Decorating the house, baking cookies, reading Aiden the Christmas story every night. I think this is what Christmas should be. Love you!

Matt H said...

Dez and I experienced the same thing. We found ourselves enjoying the moments, the relationships, the time that is Christmas and creating the gift of memories in our minds ... no stress, no anxiety, no pressure, no focus on the materialism of stuff.

Years from now, its not the things and possessions that you will remember, but the moments you shared with others.

Merry Christmas Shamus, Kris, and Aiden

Shamus said...

My favorite Christmas moment, or my proudest, was seeing that my parents had invited their new neighbor, Mr. Lake over for dinner. They also wrapped up food for Ron, another new neighbor down the block.

Apparently, I've raised my parents well.


The question is what came first the chicken or the egg???

Shamus said...

You've asked a question to which there is no answer.

Anonymous said...

The gift of "presence" is the most meaningful gift of all...

Nana said...

Although the tree gave everything it had to the boy, the boy's presence was the most coveted gift of all!! (The Giving Tree)

I agree with Fatuous Anility.

Who should we be spending more time with?

And yes, parents can learn from their children!! We appreciate your example of loving others and hope to continue to make you proud!