*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day Trip

We hit the road today to spend some time at the Baltimore zoo and Inner Harbor. We walked throughout the grounds of the zoo surrounded by many a wondrous creature. Aiden marveled at all the colors and sounds that are the animal kingdom. One species above all others stood out as his favorite. In one perfect moment I captured Aiden in complete awe of this wonderful sight.
(Scroll down a bit)

I guess he is a city boy at heart.


marietta said...

that is my man. i hope he had fun looking at the animals as well look forward to hearing all about tmo morning lovu buddy NI NI

Nana said...

I love the way you enjoy life and make great memories!! Having fun together IS crucial for family success! What a blessing it is to watch you raising Aiden! These photos are priceless!!