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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Seen any good movies lately?

I've seen a few decent movies as of late, nothing outstanding.
For me, movies mean something more than sitting down for two hours and turning my brain off. Sure, every so often a mindless comedy or a simple cops and robbers flick is nice. Those are the exception for me. My background being in audio, and it's relationship to film making, cause me to sit through movies focused on more than just what the people on the screen are saying or doing. Because of this, I hold even the mindless shoot-em-ups to a different standard than most. Regardless of the content, if a movie has not been well made, well crafted, I cannot enjoy it. Further adding to this particular take on movies is the fact that many years ago, there was no television in the house I grew up in for a while. Instead, I was exposed to movies that were hand chosen by my dad. The majority of these films were circa the era of John Wayne westerns, Marx Brothers comedies (Will Ferrell and Jim Carrey have nothing on these guys) and anything Errol Flynn. The simple fact that special effects were a far cry from what see nowadays forced film makers to be creative. It required them to communicate to the viewer in more simple yet not less complex ways than is done at present. Storytelling at it's finest. I've also noticed that I respond differently to movies now, being a parent, then was the case before Aiden. Movies like Blood Diamond have a dramatically different effect on me as a father given the nature of the conflict portrayed in that film. I want to sit through a movie and learn something. I want to be shown the best of people. I don't want to be shielded from the worst of them either.

Lately, I think my lack of interest in movies is causing me to read more than I have in years past. I've been debating on whether or not to post a list of books I have read recently. It's always been pet peeve of mine when would be intellectuals spout off about what they've been reading, especially in "Christian" circles. My experience has been that many Christians would prefer to read their way through life, rather than walk their way through it. Theological pinheads.

Kris and I watched Saving Private Ryan today. That's what got me started on the movie thing. Somewhere during the movie, Kris reminded me of her long standing theory that Edward Burns and I were separated at birth. What do you think?


Carl said...


Anonymous said...

I love the marx bros!

"And two hard boiled eggs"
- juicy

Shamus said...

That's great Juicy!!!!
Do you rumba?
...Then pick a rumba between 1 and 10

Further evidence that if my son is a 20 year old, much like you, I'm okay with that.

Anonymous said...

pshh 22 ;-)

Shamus said...

You know what I meant.

Anonymous said...

yes I do... thank you!