*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Much to contemplate today. I have many friends who are in a state of flux this year on Thanksgiving. They should all be assured that I pray for them daily.
I don't believe in Luck. I believe that all things happen with a very specific purpose and end result already in place. Furthermore, I believe that these plans are set in motion with no malice meant towards anyone. I have been much blessed this year.
Our Thanksgiving went something like this.
1. Kris packs enough stuff to outfit a covert Navy Seal operation.

2. Stop to eat on the road!

Don't screw up my breakfast order!! from shamus smith on Vimeo.

3.Time lapse Thanksgiving

EAT from shamus smith on Vimeo.

4. It was to be a catered affair.
This is the story of our turkey feast. Gramps prefers to eat "The Pope's Nose"

The Pope's Nose from shamus smith on Vimeo.

5. Drive home.
Aiden is DONE!


joe said...

I loved the sped up thanksgiving video. I could actually picture Chevy Chase lip syncing. Call me Betty!

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. The Pope's nose. Lets just hope he didn't blow it before the turkey was served. That might be messy.

Tom said...

For some reason this is how I imagined your Thanksgiving...

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you. I miss having a place to run away to :>(