*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Top Ten Scenes From Seven Weeks Spent Indoors.

The beginning of 2008 was to bring with it a new way of life for Kris and I. This was to be such and adjustment, it required us to stay at home for a combined three and a half months. In the middle of winter.......during the T.V. writers strike. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007%E2%80%932008_Writers_Guild_of_America_strike
So what to do? How would you pass the time? We focused primarily on doctors appointments, diaper changing and breast feeding. That last one was mostly Kris' deal. So momentous was this new way of life for us, it could not be welcomed by just the two of us.
Here are a few of the highlights that served in the making of a new family.
1. food food FOOD
We ate for weeks on end without ever cooking or picking up the phone.
Worlds greatest lasagna

Cheeseburger soup

Ham balls
Lots of homemade bread and pies.
Hungarian goulash...... If I ever find myself facing execution, this would likely be my last meal request.
2. Entertainment.
Some friends suggested we give this show a try. They gave us the first three seasons on DVD.
We went through them in about two days.
At certain points, we had to pause the show while we laughed, as to not miss any dialogue. This is by far the funniest show I have seen in many years.

3. Are you ready for some football?

Aiden is not going to remember the Giants playing the role of spoiler in the greatest Super Bowl ever. He didn't get to eat any of the food that filled our house throughout the playoffs and for the Superbowl party. He doesn't yet understand the importance of friends and family being close by for special events. For someone who doesn't understand all these things, he did one helluva job adding to the atmosphere of a few great weekends of football.
What does all of this really mean? It means Kris and I are not alone in the raising of our son. The people we call friends will influence and shape Kris and I. We in turn, whether consciously or not, will breathe these life experiences into Aiden. For better or worse. My hope is that in years to come, Aiden will take notice of the people Mom and Dad call friends, and seek out friends of his own that possess similar traits.
P.S. During this time at home I also made use of a Sawzall.......
To replace a very fragile $300 lamp in my DLP television....... DON'T ASK!


Cindy said...

Might I ask whose lasagna is the "world's greatest?"

m&p said...

YOU HAVE A SAWZALL! I'm so jealous. I tried talking Pearl into getting one, but I had to settle for a jizsaw, but one day you'll hear the faint humm of a sawzall ripping through whatever crap I happen to be hacking.

Great post!
Enjoy the food, family and Football.