WHAT'S IN YOUR ATTIC?? Attic, basement, crawlspace...whatever.
Every house has someplace where "stuff" is kept. Stuff that is not needed in everyday life. Stuff that maybe is only needed once a year. Stuff that perhaps you could do without. This stuff might even make it's next appearance in the garbage can. Here's some stuff from our attic.
1.Lionel Trains
These trains were gifts for Aiden at Christmas time. When I look at them I see a great deal more. Here's why.
Gramps made his living working for the M.T.A. http://www.mta.nyc.ny.us/ He began his long career with the city of N.Y. as a porter. He took promotion tests and worked his way to the position of motorman, operating trains for the largest mass transit system in the world. He worked at the Coney Island yards in Brooklyn. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coney_Island_Complex
They don't make people like Gramps anymore. He's old school. You know the type don't ya?..... military service, family man, held down 2-3 jobs at any given time in his life, as his family needed to be cared for. Retirement came a bit early for Gramps. He would devote his time to the care of his wife. When he left the job, his co-workers had his tools nickel plated for him. I have a pic of them below. Imagine the stories behind these things.
When I see toy trains in my attic, I think of how to pass along to my son, the strong work ethic and values that Gramps built a life out of. 
2. Take me out to the ball game.
I've got two huge boxes full of baseball cards up here. Everything from full sets, to individual rookie cards. I stopped collecting them many years ago. I'm not really sure why. The majority of these were gifts to me from Nana and Grandpa Smith. I could always count on getting baseball cards for birthdays, Christmas, any gift giving occasion. I used to think they were just giving me the cards because that's what you buy for an 11 year old Yankee Fan. In hindsight, it's possible they knew all these cards would end up in an attic that sits over the room where my Son sleeps at night. I'm pretty sure they saw him going through these boxes learning about the Americana baseball has come to represent. Thanks guys, for setting the stage for Aiden's introduction to baseball.
3. It's not junk.
A piece of glass from the World Trade Center. 'Nuff said.
4. E.M.T.-D
This letter from the department of health is verification of my shield number and certification from the State. When I told my Mom I wanted to become an E.M.T. she was quick to write the check for school and support me throughout the process. My Mom is generous to a fault. Her generosity towards me and my wife was integral in establishing our new life in Pennsylvania. If I trace it back far enough, I arrive at this letter. Had I not went through EMS training, I would never have considered my current line of work. If that had been the case, I would not be blessed with the life I now lead in PA.

3. The Trappings of a Police Officer.
Seen here are Kris' vest, cover and arrest files. Kris is often reluctant to tell the tales of her time on the job. I assure you they are priceless. I know Kris will forever have the Police Officer inside of her. Even now, she keeps a bag in her car. It is affectionately called the "OH SH*T BAG" Because first you say that, and then you make use of everything in the bag. It was provided to her at terrorism response training.
I submit that the things in our attic are not junk. If they were, we would have expedited them right into the trash. For some reason we hold onto them.
They speak to what we are and how we became that way. Perhaps more so then the stuff we keep in plain view for others to see.
There is nothing special about that huge T.V. or the fancy artwork on your walls anyway.
I'm teary eyed after reading this one and I probably will be every time I revisit it. Not to worry, if I want to laugh I can just go to the video in the Top Ten Scenes From A Weekend Back Home. Either way, it's a good laugh and a good cry.
I hope you consider compiling these in book or CD form to hand down
They are as priceless as things found in the attic... words of wisdom.. who his father is..and how he thinks
I have to say I think this one is my all-time favorite...how true that everyone's attic/basement/crawl space contains clues to their true form. How many of us have finally consented to cleaning out the attic,...grudgingly climbed the stairs, then spent the whole day looking through pictures and papers and dusty, deformed stuffed toys! laughing out loud to no one in particular...thanks Shamus....now I need to go clean out my attic:O)
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