*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Top Ten Scenes From A Weekend Back Home

We spent the past few days with good people in NYC. Friends, family the two terms are interchangeable with this group of people. Allow me to provide a few highlights.

1. The Party Scene. The whole family gathered this weekend for Cap's 80th birthday. Cap is our name for Grandma.... The reason why is a post for another time.We have been having parties like this for years. In fact, as Kris and I drove home she said "Isn't it funny that every party at Caps's house in the past 20 years has been exactly the same?" Thank God's she's right. I wouldn't change a thing. Lots of laughs, some impassioned conversation and debate. Somewhere in there you can always count on me trying to stir the pot and cause trouble in the most creative way possible. For something not so creative, play the video I have attached here. The funniest thing to be seen here is at the very end. The camera finds my cousin Rob, in tears with laughter.

2. Tradition Lives on.
All year long we look forward to this night out with Tommy and Jeannine. This year did not dissappoint. Have you ever thought that your family life is so terribly dysfunctional that nobody else could possibly relate to it? Well every time that thought slips into my mind I just have to send Tommy an email and ask "Hey, how's your family doing?" His reply will serve to remind me that we are all really alike. We spent the night here. http://www.amanyc.com/ama_space.html

Stay tuned for the song Tommy's dad has just written. If I remember correctly it tells the story of why his wife has a short tounge, because she is from Brooklyn. It's sure to be an instant hit.

3. Growing up, Chuch was made to be a big part of my life. I will forever be grateful for this. I was taught many valuable lessons by great people. I will strive to instill many of these into the life of my son as he continues to grow. E.J. and I spent some time talking Saturday night about many things church related. He, like many others has become disenfranchised by the way church takes place these days. He stated his position with great passion. I heard in his words, tremendous drive and moral character. Let me go on record as saying that church needn't be confined to any given building. There should be no dress code, no pomp and circumstance. This weekend was Church for me. I had no bible, no pulpit and no offering was taken. What I did have was people I care about and lots of laughter. Disagree with me about Church? Look at the photos and video in this post. Wouldn't you like to have this much fun at Church all the time.

4. Future plans.

This weekend has led to the planning of a whitewater rafting trip in July. We also had much talk about the two weddings that are in the offing for our family. You can read about one of them in my Friends link secton. I think it's great when you finish up a trip like this one by making plans for, and looking forward to the next adventure.


Anonymous said...

Church does take on many forms. The one you speak of is sweet that of family fellowship. I also see general fellowship that of close friends and small groups. But we under no condition should throw aside formal fellowship or the gathering together for worship and teaching. It is true in many cases that the church has lost sight of many things setting up rings and doors for us to jump tru

Anonymous said...

That video was classic!!!!