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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Top Ten Celebrity Look Alikes

Warning!!!! I realize this is a bit long, but I had fun doing it. I think it is worth your time.

Do you know someone who you think has a double in the limelight? I have a few in my family.I thought it might be funny to post a few pics here and let you weigh in.

Up first....Uncle Eddie............Meet Jack Nicholson.
Uncle Eddie has the ability to make you laugh(or worry) without saying a word. His facial expressions are priceless. His mannerisms speak volumes about what is going through his mind.
Top Ten stories I would tell of him include the following........
1. He can(or could) throw a strike from center field to home plate...sometimes drawing blood from his oldest nephew who was waiting in mortal fear behind the plate.
2. Somewhere in his 40's he was still pitching double headers and winning game balls, besting pitchers half his age.
3. There are stories about him playing on several softball teams, two bowling teams, and a competitive BBQ eating team all in one summer. Much to the dismay of my Aunt.
4. If Jack....er uh.... I mean Uncle Eddie is around make sure you fill all ice cube trays EVENLY!!!!
********************************************************************************* Next......Uncle Hennie...... Enter Elvis
Some people say there is no resemblance here at all. I disagree. Perhaps my judgement here has become clouded by the fact that uncle Hennie at one time owned the complete collection of Elvis Presley movies..... My favorite was(is) Roustabout. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058534/
My Top Ten for The King.....
1.You never went anywhere with Uncle Hennie that didn't include a stop at 7eleven for a Big Gulp.
2. Uncle Hennie was a NYC Firefighter....old school. He passed the test before the standards became adjusted(in my opinion) to allow for what in some cases were lesser qualified applicants. It was not uncommon for VERY fit people to stroke out on this test..... back then.
3. Uncle played on a bowling team called "the Stiffs".... can you picture the team photo?, circa 1970 somethin'. **********************************************************************************
My Father In Law.............. A.K.A. Steve McQueenIf you don't who Steve McQueen is you are missing some great movies, Including one of my favorites..... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057115/ The Great Escape.
A Top Ten for Carl.....
1. When I asked Carl for permission to marry Kris, he stopped me dead in my tracks. I had been ready to quote him my resume and how I was prepared to provide for his oldest daughter. He wouldn't even let me get through my pie charts and earning statements. He asked me.... "Do you esteem her?" A question a 23yr old isn't quite prepared to answer, at least correctly...I think.2. Carl is a LONG suffering Buffalo Bills Fan. He has handled the many defeats, and victories with quiet dignity. Including one of the greatest Superbowl finishes of all time, depending on your point of view.
My Dad....... Honest Abe

Abraham Lincoln was a man of character. My dad is quite a character.
Top Ten.......
1. The Civil war rages on for my Dad.
2. I have fond memories of my Dad teaching us to be of good Character.
Character Sketches was a tool used to teach character traits by drawing parallels between nature and stories from scripture.
3. Working for years in Alphabet City, where Kris would later serve as a Police Officer, he was mugged twice and , electrocuted at least once..... not in the same day. He never ignored a homeless person in need. It was quite the scene down there.
Kristine............. Gretchen Wilson

Top Ten For Kris....
1. Kris is not a person of excess. Her beauty is natural and needs no enhancement. Her ability to beat many a guy at his own game speaks to her strong personality and determined nature.
2. She completed the Police Academy surpassing the standards for male Officers, not wanting or needing any olive branch of charity.

3. Years ago, Kris piled into a crowed hotel room to watch the Giants Defeat the 49ers in a heated playoff game. She was the only girl in sight. She fit right in, profanity and all.
The giants won that game, and went on to beat Buffalo in the Super Bowl..... sorry Carl.

In case you are not familiar with Gretchen Wilson.... http://www.gretchenwilson.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi..it's me...Lori...I'm computer illiterate..so for the time being, I'm anonymous,ok?

So, I'm interested in hearing your response to the question your father-in-law posed to you?...How long did it take you to answer, and was Kris present? Did you tell her he asked you this? Ok...I'm done analyzing:O)....