*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Kris' Juice Fast Journal, Day 5

Alright, so we are 1/3 of the way of the way there. I still feel pretty good but being completely honest, it’s getting a little harder now. I just really miss food.  Yes, I want all the bad things I am not supposed to eat but you’d be amazed what I would do for cooked broccoli right now.  Shamus and I had “date night” tonight. Usually date night means going out to eat but since we’re juicing, we decided to go see a play put on by one of the colleges in our area. I didn’t particularly care for the play but it was nice to get out for awhile. I think one of the issues for me as a stay at home mom is I am in the house most of the day.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t sit on the couch eating Cherry Garcia all day with my feet propped up (although that would be wonderful!) but I do eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with Aiden. I still make his meals for him which can be kind of difficult since I can’t eat. Poor Aiden tries to feed me a bite of his cereal or toast and I am like, “No!!”.  He says, “Just one bite mommy, I want to share with you”. He’s probably thinking I am out of my mind.  I’m sure it’s hard to do this and have to function in the workplace as well, but I think it might help to keep your mind busy. Shamus rarely gets to eat until he gets home for the day, which means he misses 1-2 juice meals a day. He says it doesn’t really bother him because he is busy at work and wouldn’t be eating anyway.   So at this point, I feel like there’s still quite a ways to go. I think if I can make it till next Thursday or Friday, I will have no problem making it the rest of the way.

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