*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Friday, August 23, 2013

It Ain't Easy

We raise them as best we can, right? So much of what we do amounts to guess work. At every turn we try to explain to them who we are and why we feel the way we do on any given topic. Sometimes we are rewarded for our efforts, other times we fail miserably. Even when we are met with success, we can never be sure how much of it resulted from our hard work, and how much of it was dumb luck.
As life moves on, what we want of them changes, right? What we want from them, what we expect of them, what they give us...all these things are ever changing and require us to rethink who we are and our approach.
In the end, maybe the best we can hope for is that when all the hard work is done, when we have finally built them into the people we always knew they were capable of being, we can sit at a nice dinner out in public and enjoy each others company.
For the second time in a few weeks, Kris and I did just that.
(scroll down for photo)

Raising parents is hard work.


FOOT said...

CHUCKLE, CHUCKLE. (I like the surprise ending!!!)

Kris said...

We did good.