*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mirror Mirror

Every few months he makes this trip. For the better part of a day he would travel to a place where he could learn how best to face his challenges. In so doing he would also be able to contribute to others who have or would come to have similar struggles. He is always a little out of place on these trips. Others making the same trip don't look like him. In fact, the hardships he shares with his fellow travelers are only known to a select few, and often barely noticeable.
Sometimes, even the people charged with his care on these trips are hard pressed to accommodate him. These people have grown so accustom to helping the others, who may struggle a great deal more,  that they are ill prepared for the unique nature of his situation. The visits can be frustrating at times. Many of these visits bring out more questions than answers. More unknowns to contemplate. Every so often, a specific visit will cause him physical discomfort. No matter what, he seeks information. He seeks data to help him make the best possible decisions for himself and those he cares about. In this regard, he is never disappointed when his visit is over. His most recent trip was no exception to all of the above.

Having been given things to consider, he headed for home. On the way out, he was forced to stop and wait.
Another person was blocking the exit. Perhaps this person was just arriving for his own visit, or perhaps he was also just leaving. There was no way to tell. The only thing that was immediately obvious to traveler was this person, blocking the door, shared something in common with him. Ray was in the doorway. An older person then traveler, he was alone and struggling to move on in his own journey that day. He was locked in place, unable to move forward or back. His right hand held a wooden cane, his left clutched the railing. His arms and upper body were shaking in a steady even motion, while his lower body remained fixed in place and rigid. Our traveler has seen many in need of help and is always willing to be of service. He has seen people with vast burdens, and those with minor concerns. Some just needed a kind word and quick laugh to help them along. He has also seen people at the end of life who cannot be helped anymore by means at his disposal. As for Ray, standing in front of him right now, the traveler has no idea how to help. In an instant, traveler becomes as helpless as Ray is. Words escape him, he doesn't know what questions to ask. No actions come to mind, he doesn't know what to do. Of all the people traveler has aided, of all the scenes he has come upon, here he is face to face with a person who carries the same burdens he does and he has nothing for them.


foot said...

Is this the first chapter or prologue to your first novel? You are gifted!!! I was right. Your second grade teacher was wrong!!!!

Traveler could always give a smile! A prayer. A praise to the One who could change the reflection if He wanted, but in His wisdom and love, endures the pain and suffering with His children once again, for the joy that awaits.

Traveler loves. Love prompted his trip. Ray was not a surprise. He half expected him. I can trust this traveler. Perhaps NOTHING is good enough of a response. Perhaps it was the response most appreciated by Ray. Perhaps presence alone suffices.

Love is all you need.

On the day you wrote this I had the most relaxing, most comfortable dining experience in my life!!! Thank you for such a thoughtful and generous birthday gift!!

I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:12-13.

approved said...

Hmmmmm...... The best thing traveler could do is give him his space and be patient. The rudest and cruelest thing is to hurriedly squeeze past him. Shoppers do this a lot when they find themselves behind someone who is slow. What's the big rush?