*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Photo Rewind

On the morning of April 29th 2011, Aiden woke up with a busy morning ahead of him. He was about to become a brother. My parents arrived at our house early in the morning to get Aiden going and get him ready to visit us at the hospital. Unbeknownst to us, my Mom had decided to photograph the morning's events with Aiden. What her camera found was remarkable. 

(Click on any photo for an expanded/slideshow view)

Good Morning
Hello Nana
Nana makes Aiden breakfast
Respect the list!
Kris had packed for Aiden
At the door ready to go
That's not how Mom does it
Where does he get that scowl from........???
Heading to Nana's house
Aiden earns his keep
Then some playtime
With Grandpa
School time with Nana
Make a card for Evan
Lunchtime with Gramps
Exhausting trip to go see Evan


Kris said...

I love that Nana had the presence of mind to take these pictures, so we could all remember the events of the day and share them with Evan, over and over. Thanks Nana!

Nana said...

You're welcome!!

These pictures show how important Aiden is!! We'd never want him to think his brother is "the favorite", and vice versa!!

I wanted Aiden to have a record of his activities on the day his brother was born.

You've been blessed with 2 great boys. It's so nice these days to see Aiden helping Evan and Evan just enjoying his brother.

Thanks for the post and for the comment, Kris. It feels good to be appreciated!!