*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'll Trade You Music For Photos

With a fresh coat of snow on the ground, I took the chance to get a few photos.

I like the birds in this one
Kris gets credit for the one below
Next two, taken from inside the tree shown above.
After leaving the park, we made a few stops before returning home. Now, almost two hours later, I realized my Zune(it's like and ipod, only better) wasn't in my pocket anymore.

I retraced my steps........

Other landscape photos can be seen here.


dezhorst said...

is it ruined? do you need an iPod now? hehe

Shamus said...

I was counting on one of the apple lemmings to make such a remark.

NO, I wil not be buying an ipod.

Jeannine said...

Beautiful pics. Now if this snow doesn't start melting, I'm going to have to kill someone. Just sayin'