*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, Kris.

Hey Babe,
Almost half of my objection to the purchasing of greeting cards, and the giving of such, has to do with the chore of writing in them. Look, my handwriting is deplorable and hallmark in all its brilliance has yet to devise a card that has a built in spell check. I hope you will accept this as a reasonable compromise to a traditional Christmas card.

We've been together yet another calender year. At this point, neither of us can really pinpoint how many years this totals us knowing, and being close to each other. Its been a great life so far. I would not change a single minute. This past year has brought us some different challenges. In the darkest of hours, as I struggled through the consequences of my decisions, I have always found peace in you. I have always found peace in knowing that you are a constant in my life. You have been full of patience and generous in love and understanding.

Something else that I want to thank you very plainly for...... You continue to allow me the freedom to love and care for a select group of people here that are very special to me. Thank you Kris, for sacrificing your time, and for making these people always feel welcome in our home. Thank you for making time available so I can continue to see these people.....even when it involves very, very late night affairs. Some of these people mean a great deal to me. Knowing that you understand that, serves to make me love you even more.

I have been proud to watch you be a mother and friend to Aiden. In the coming years, you and I will stress over many important decisions concerning all sorts of things pertaining to him. I'm not in the least bit worried about any of this. I have every confidence that you will not give any ground on matters of extreme importance to you. I also know you will be wise and reasonable wherever compromise is warranted. I have said, and I am proud to say without reservation, that you were made for me. We were uniquely built for a life long journey together. In the same manner, You were designed specifically to be a Mom and mentor to Aiden.

You and I both know that we have no idea what the next year may bring us. What we do know, is that it will find us side by side. Sometimes screaming, sometimes laughing. Never far from arms reach will one of us be from the other.

Merry Christmas



Anonymous said...

Like the hero in your book.....
how beautifully wonderful...

Nana said...

You're going to make me cry!!
Merry Christmas 2009 to the Eshelman Mill Rd. Smith Family!

Kris said...

That's the best present you ever gave me (the Slap Chop being a close second!)

ni ni and mom said...

your words are beautiful.. i always know that u will love krissy with all your heart... and i watch u with aiden.. sha u are a great dad.. never doubt that...you and krissy are a special couple and are great parents to aiden... as long as u and krissy keep the Lord first no matter what life hands u you will be fine.. love u both mom

Carl said...