*Please Note*
As of July 2015 many photos have been intentionally removed.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Aiden Update

It's been a while since Aiden had his own post here. So, as today is Wednesday, my day at home with him, here are a few notable stats as of late.
1. The words he says, that I'm willing to give him credit for,(Kris may credit him for others) are as follows.....
2. Thus far in life, he is reasonably well behaved. I'm sure I'll regret saying this, in short order.
3. On any given day he can be found lifting household items twice his size and weight.
4. He can negotiate the staircase in either direction quite well.
5. He seems to enjoy Taylor Swift music videos.
6. He is eager to help clean up, once playtime is over.

This week, Wednesday looked something like this....

Fingerprints from shamus smith on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Apparently, Shamus and Aiden did a load of laundry today, comprised entirely of my underwear.

joe said...

I was looking for the duck...

Anonymous said...

We thank God for Aiden. What a blessing he is! We got a good laugh from Kris' comment! What a good helper boy Aiden is! Aiden, your great-grandpa Smith always helped great- Nana with the laundry. And Grandpa helps Nana with it, too! Now I see Daddy and Aiden helping with the laundry! I think this has become a Smith family "man" trait. Real men do laundry! How about that?

Peter said...

HA HA... I got a huge laugh out of this video. Even funnier is that Kris pointed out what was being laundered before anyone else.

Anonymous said...

I just love him!
What a joy Sha!

Jennifer said...

So sweet! The video made me tear up!

Anonymous said...

aiden is the best helper he always helps NI NI clean. he like to use the vacumm. he likes to pick up little pieces of whatever he can find. he takes afer great grandpa niehaus. keep up the good work AJ. NI NI loves you