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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Life And Death

Many people view life and death as two separate matters. I also believe most people are so obsessed with one, they ignore the other. In actuality, life and death could not be more closely connected. Our tendency to view these events as separate subjects or occurrences will eventually result in our failure to approach them correctly. There must be no mistake...there is a correct way to live and die.

Not too long ago, in our very communities, death was not as uncommon a topic or occurrence as it is today. In every stage of life from infancy to teenage years, to the later portion of one's life, death was a greater part of reality, more so than today. People of previous generations were more accustomed to death than we are today. Presently, we strive to sanitize death, in my opinion. Nowadays death takes place in a nursing home, out of sight and out of mind. Or death might take place in a hospital. In either manner, it becomes very much an affair of medicine, rather than one of life's natural course. We have come to think death only takes hold when the medical community loses a grip on life.

The unknown has a powerful hold on us as humans. Our constant drive to control everything is turned on its head when faced with death. In the final analysis, we cannot win out over death. We cannot control the how and when. All too often, this fosters fear. On the other side of things, it is very easy to fear life as well. Fear of rejection. Fear of failure. Fear of being alone. All these things seep into our decision making on a daily basis and impact the course of our lives.

Decide not to fear.
Do not fear any person. Not the co-worker with bad intentions. Not the homeless person who asks for your help. Not the criminal who wishes you harm. Do not fear loss. Neither of possessions or people. Doing so serves no useful purpose. We all posses the ability to effect positive change in our lives wherever necessary.
At a moment's notice, we can change our health, our occupation, our friends. Don't allow fear to keep you from experiencing life. Don't let fear overtake your death.

1 comment:

KHouse said...

Great post. Love the message.