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Monday, January 2, 2012

Coming Or Going?

I fought off writing this for the better part of a week or so. I thought posting some sort of lame holiday experience thing would be a bit cliche. However, after a few quiet moments of thought, as things are about to get back to what passes for normal, I felt compelled to document a few random thoughts.
A few keywords that will forever remind me of the final days of this year:
Spinach dip

It is clearer to me now more than ever, that any person you call friend who does not consistently sharpen and challenge you, is not your friend. In fact, if they are not doing so, if they are not speaking truth into your life, they are harming you. Put some distance between yourself and such people and see if you (and possibly them) are not better for it.

It saddens me a bit to hear people speak of their plans for the new year. Often, I hear things like:
"This will be my year"
"The new year will be better for me"
"This year I will improve myself"
I am all for improving one's self, for learning and growing and maturing. I also believe that if we focused a bit more on the betterment of others as opposed to ourselves, our streets would be safer, our bodies would be healthier and our souls would find peace.

For all the working, the rushing around, the money and stress that we allow into the holidays, I found the most peace in simple conversation. I felt rested in the company of friends in my home. I was proud to have my parents and Carl under one roof. I felt connected with a friend who was not here, as I knew her to be likewise in good company elsewhere.

I laughed with Kris when guests left. We shared our observations and thoughts with one another.

I wonder what happened to that broken person I met in the hospital.
Will he reach out?
Has he forgotten all about me?
I hope he knows a few people cared enough to seek him out. I hope he comes to learn there are a great many such people where they came from.

1 comment:

All Rights Reserved said...

Nice post! I mean it. Simply stated and filled with truth.

Ironic, I started a new blog not long ago. One more directly in line with the blessings I see in my life and around me.

One of the very things I said only a few short days ago was that this year is about me but about me being more open to let life happen; to be less selfish and self-serving.

I am glad you had an opportunity to find comfort in the simplicity. I am slowly starting to believe that this is truly the best way to live: simply and with good friends and truth in your heart.

Happiest of New Year's to you and yours!